Contemporary Political Library
NATO War on Yugoslavia: Background Information
The Purpose of the War
- The U.S. and NATO's New World Disorder in Kosovo (0505)
- NATO and the new imperialism (0601+)
- A short primer on NATO war: 5 Myths (0428)
- Why Is Nato in Yugoslavia? (1996)
- The Hidden History of the War Against Yugoslavia (0424)
- What This War Is Really About (0526)
Peparing and Starting the War
- Interpreting the Rambouillet Accords proposal (0504)
- Economic provisions of Rambouillet (updated: 0617)
- Was A Peaceful Kosovo Solution Rejected by U.S.? (0514)
- What Reporters Knew About Kosovo Talks--But Didn't Tell (0602)
- Nato's War of Aggression against Yugoslavia
Public Perception Management (aka Propaganda)
- Excerpts from an interview with James Harff (1993) (0510)
- Meet Mr. Massacre
- Friend becomes fiend...Milosevic and the US (0419)
- On the Eve of War, NATO's Humanitarian Trigger (0501?)
- The "Humanitarian" war (0329)
- The War on TV (0514)
- The finest spinmeister in the US camp (0426)
Even in the US: Voices that Challenge the Propaganda
- US Congressional Mission to Yugoslavia Disputes White House Information (0421+)
- Number of missing Kosovars is challenged (0421)
- Los Angeles Times contradicting NATO reports
- Henry Kissinger: Doing Injury to History (0405)
- The Other War Criminal: Bill Clinton (0603)
Who Cares About International Law?
- Global sheriff who bends the rules (0404)
- Not even US should be beyond the law (0404)
- NATO's War-Boomerang against the West (0430)
- The UN's death certificate (0415)
- The U.S. and the Kosovo Crisis (0422)
The Environemnt: A Silent Victim
- On the Environmental Impact of Modern Warfare (1) (0416)
- On the Environmental Impact of Modern Warfare (2) (0421)
- On the Environmental Impact of Modern Warfare (4) (0423)
- Ecological Catastrophe Hits Yugoslavia (0428)
- Kosovo: Use of depleted uranium
- On the Environmental Impact of Modern Warfare (3) (1997)
Various Kinds of Collateral Damage
- If A Cluster Bomb Could Talk (0415)
- Bombing the Baby with the Bathwater (0330)
- Europe: media silence on Serbian opposition (0430)
- Hidden heroes - the destruction of Yugoslavian NGO's (0414)
- Serbs are also Victims -- 0f a Massive Propaganda Campaign (0511)
- Croatia: Attack on the Media in the shadow of NATO's war (0421)
Fallout At Home
- The Duping of America (0511)
- 'Degrading' America (0524?)
- Colony USA (add Canada to that) (0525-)
- Colorado and Kosovo: What is NATO teaching our children? (0422)
Covert Action Quarterly analysis pieces 1992-1999:
- Germany, U.S., and the Yugoslav Crisis (Winter 1992-3)
- Yugoslavia: Follow the Money (Spring 1996)
- Politics, Media, and the Ideology of Globalization (Winter 1998-9)
- To Use a War (Winter 1998-9)
- NATO and Beyond (Spring 1999)
- Carving Another Slice from Yugoslavia (Spring-Summer 1999)
Other Background Information and Miscellaneous Comments
- Background Info on the KLA (0412-)
- Background Info on Serbia (0428)
- Cluster Bomb of Further Kosovos in the Offing? (0506
- Some Religious Perspectives (0506)
- Voices on NATO's engagement in Yugoslavia (1) (0413)
- Voices on NATO's engagement in Yugoslavia (2) (0429)
- US cannot be tried for war crimes (0526)
If you look at it this way...
- The Modern Emperor's New Clothes... Green or Gray? (0607)
- Bomb the New York Times? (0606)
- A modest proposal ... invite the US to leave Nato (0606)
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The Library would like to thank FLORA.ORG for having hosted this library for many years.
This page was last updated on November 26, 2007