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"WW III? No thanks...!" On-Line Library

What is an appropropriate response?
Political and philosophical considerations after the attack on the World Trade Center

Please note: the articles in this on-line library represent a variety of assessments and opinions, which in different (often mutually incompatible) ways challenge many of the positions presented by the US adminstration. Obviously i cannot agree with everybody whose opinion is represented here (although i agree with some), and the diversity of views that are presented here under the banner "WW III? No thanks..." reflects the purpose of this collection: to be a tool for research and to encourage discussion and further inquiry.

All pages linked with a "[click here]" button are local pages. Other linked pages will take you to other servers. Linked pages will open in a new window to allow for fastest possible return to this page (no reloading required).

The articles have been formatted as plain text with a line length of no more than 76 characters, so that they can be copied and pasted directly into e-mail messages without any modifications.

This on-line library was initially divided into several sections, but that subdivision has become impossible to maintain in any meaningful way, because many articles cover topics of more than one section and because there are always new sections one needs to make up. Articles are now shown under their authors' names which are given in alphabetical order (in the case of two authors, the second author's name is referenced to the first author's name). In some cases i have also added keywords to make a search easier (you can search this list by using your web browser's "find" function).

Any added keywords are from this list: bin Laden, censorship, CIA, civil liberties, feminism, history, law, oil, propaganda, religion, strategy, US terrorism

  • Jamal Khashoggi
    [click here] War against terror: A Saudi perspective

    keywords: women